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    The united liberation front of Tibet
was established on the 28th march 2003

By the ( now commander-in-chief Rupati ) with an aim to achieve complete freedom from the illegal Chinese rule and hence further the return of Tibetan refugees back to Tibet their own motherland and hence decided to start an armed struggle to fight Chinese and free our motherland because we think

"Even Neutrality and Peace is to be guarded with Arms"

And this to appeal to all the organisations fighting for the freedom of Tibet and

to the people of Tibet and Tibetan origin to come forward and get united and lets fight together to free our motherland from the illegal rule of china and hence bring our old days back we know the glorious history of Tibet and lets build a great future for ourselves .

So many years have passed and so many protests so many deaths and so much of struggle but all in vain nothing helped

no nation is ready to help us not even united nations we are ignored and slowly slowly we are losing this battle to loose this battle with china is to loose our motherland forever and our children will never be able to return to Tibet and see their our nation we must act before its too late united liberation front of Tibet is an attempt to speed up the freedom struggle already we have wasted a lots of time in finding a peaceful solution but there is no solution in sight and we dont believe that china will never free Tibet if we dont fight This is our own battle and we will have to fight it ourselves and no one else is going to fight it for us. We dont trust united nations we dont trust china but we trust our own people or own children that they will support us and help us to achieve freedom. United liberation front of Tibet is a very new organisation and with a little manpower. We need help in every field we need manpower we need money and most importantly we need support of the common man

To achieve all this we need help of our fellow organisations our aim is same that is

Freedom of Tibet and return of refugees

Only our methods are different those who dont want to take up arms are protesting and using peaceful methods

we are not against peace but how long should we wait for the world to act and get us freedom we cant wait that much its already late we are running out of time and a day is to come when people will stop thinking reading and writing about Tibet already people have stopped visiting Tibet and graph is going down day by day this is just because of Chinese policies

our population is decreasing at an alarming rate and Tibetans are being replaced by china our culture or religion and everything is being destroyed everyday and we are just watching and waiting for the world to act for us

Its wrong we must fight our own battle therefore we request to all of you to help

Us in anyway you can

Join united liberation front of Tibet

To join U.L.F.T

Please email with your name, location, age, profession and email address

 - ulftibet@yahoo.com

With best wishes


United liberation front of Tibet