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UHF CB is a class-licensed citizen's band radio service authorised by the governments of Australia, New Zealand, Vanuatu, and Malaysia in the UHF 477 MHz band.[1] UHF CB provides 77 channels, including 32 channels (16 output, 16 input) allocated to repeater stations. It is similar in concept to the General Mobile Radio Service in the United States.



User equipment designs are similar to commercial land mobile two-way radio, except the maximum legal output power is 5 Watts. External antennas are permitted and commercially manufactured antennas have gains as high as 12 dB. Handheld transceivers (handy talkies) are permitted and have transmit power from 500 mW to 5 W (full legal power) and are relatively cheap compared to full-sized transceivers. Operation in the band is restricted to modes F3E and G3E (FM or PM of analogue voice telephony) except for channels 22 and 23, which are data modes only.[2]



Class licensing means that users do not have to apply for a licence or pay a licence fee; however, they must comply with the regulations of the class licence.[3]

It is illegal to use non-standard radios purchased from overseas because they may interfere with licensed land-mobile services. This includes overseas personal radio service devices because they do not share the same band plan, power output and channels as UHF CB. Care must be taken when importing radios from overseas to ensure they comply with local regulations. Approved radios are identified by the Regulatory Compliance Mark (RCM) label, usually found on the rear panel of the equipment.[4]



Many UHF CB radios allow the user to scan channels to find a conversation. Several different scan modes may be provided:

Open Scan scans all 80 channels to find an active conversation. Some radios allow skipping selected channels when scanning.

Group Scan scans a small number of selected channels. For example, a caravanner travelling around the country may choose to group scan Channel 40 (Road Channel), 18 (Caravan Channel) and 5 (Emergency Channel) so they will hear any conversations relating to their travels.

Priority Scan allows selection of a "priority" channel whilst scanning a handful of selected channels. This could be useful, for example, in a convoy of vehicles: convoy members can set their chosen convoy channel as a "priority" whilst scanning the designated road channel for traffic updates etc. If a convoy member speaks, the radio will switch back to the priority channel even if someone is speaking on another channel.



Selective calling (Selcall) allows a radio to call another radio using a sequence of tones, usually presented to the user as a series of 5 numbers. UHF CB radios can be set to be completely silent until they receive a series of tones matching a pre-programmed sequence. Radios which have this feature usually indicate that a call has been received by emitting a number of beeps and by opening the squelch. The popularity of selcall has dropped since the introduction of CTCSS.



Continuous tone coded squelch system (CTCSS) allows a group of radios set with the same tone to converse on a channel without hearing other radios using that channel. CTCSS can be used to silence a radio until another radio with the same tone transmits. This allows monitoring of a channel for transmissions from radios set with the same tone without hearing other conversations that use different or even no tone.

The use of CTCSS is not permitted on UHF CB repeaters or the designated emergency channels.



Repeaters extend the range of transmission by receiving and automatically rebroadcasting a transmission using an antenna located in a high location, normally the top of a mountain, tall building or radio tower. Sometimes a transmission range of over 100 kilometres (60 miles) can be achieved through the use of a repeater. Repeaters are on channels 1–8 and 41–48 and the duplex button should be pressed to access the repeater.[5]All repeaters can be used by anyone, except for channel 5 repeaters, which are for emergencies only.



It is common practice to install signs at worksites, roadworks, regional highways, national parks, heavy vehicle checking stations, and on the rear of camper vans and caravans to advertise a UHF channel for communications. For example, during the widening of the M1 Pacific Motorway between Sydney and Newcastle, contractors installed "UHF 29" signs at the entry point of each worksite.

Channel use


Legally restricted channels


The following channels are legislated as a part of the ACMA UHF CB Class Licence.[2]

  • Channel 5 and 35 are the designated emergency channels in Australia, Vanuatu and Malaysia, and are not to be used except in an emergency. Making an emergency call involves switching the radio to Channel 5 with duplex on, and trying again with duplex off if there's no response. Some areas in Australia may not have someone monitoring channels 5 and 35. As well as private monitors, there are monitoring groups in Australia, notably, Radio Rescue Emergency Communications Inc., Australia Citizens Radio Monitors, South East Queensland Emergency Service Team, Citizens Radio Emergency Service Team South Australia, Citizens Radio Emergency Service Team Victoria, Citizens Radio Emergency Service Team New South Wales and Citizens Radio Emergency Service Team Queensland. In New Zealand channels 5 and 35 are not emergency channels but are available for general use in duplex (repeater) mode. In New Zealand, if you use UHF PRS for emergencies, you rely on someone listening on the same channel, and should scan all channels for activity before requesting assistance.
  • Channel 9 is the designated emergency channel in Malaysia.
  • Channel 11 is the 'call channel' and is only to be used for initiating calls with another person, who should quickly organise another vacant channel to continue their discussion, unlike New Zealand which uses channel 11 as its main trucking channel.
  • Channel 22 and 23 are only to be used for telemetry and telecommand. Packet data and voice transmission are not allowed.
  • Channel 61, 62 and 63 are reserved for future allocation and transmission on these channels is not allowed.

Channels used by consensus


The following channels are not legislated as a part of the class licence however are used for the following purposes by consensus.

  • Channel 10 is typically used by 4WD clubs when in a convoy and in national parks. This channel is used to avoid interfering with road safety communications on channel 29 or 40. If you are not in a convoy it is recommended that only 29 or 40 are used, depending on the road in question.
  • Channel 18 is the campers and caravan convoy channel typically used by travellers.
  • Channel 29 is the road safety channel on the M1 Pacific Motorway and Highway between Tweed Heads and Newcastle in NSW. It is used due to one transport company who travelled this road who always used this channel. Other drivers switched from 40 to 29 to talk to them and it became a custom. This custom prevails even though the original transport company no longer exists.
  • Channel 40 is the primary road safety channel Australia-wide, most commonly used by trucks including pilot/escort vehicles for oversized loads.[6][7]

Users should be aware that UHF CB channels 31 to 38 and 71 to 78 are the 'input' channels for repeaters. Users should avoid using these channels to avoid interfering with repeaters. If a repeater is to be used, switch to 1–8 or 41–48 and press the duplex button.

UHF CB band plan


Expansion to 80 channels


On 27 May 2011 the channel spacing on UHF CB was changed, allowing the band to expand from 40 channels to 80 channels.[8] Due to data channels 22 and 23 occupying 25 kHz bandwidth, the expansion effectively allows the use of 77 channels, as channels 61, 62 and 63 are reserved.

ACMA originally intended to make older 40 channel UHF radios on the 25 kHz spacing illegal to use from June 2017. However, in February 2017, it reversed this decision after determining that the two systems were working well alongside each other.[9]

Current UHF CB band plan (80 Channels)


General chat channels are used in simplex mode, repeater channels must be used in duplex mode. If you are not using a repeater it is recommended to choose a "general chat" channel.

Channel Name: Frequency: Purpose: Frequency Spacing:
Channel 1 476.4250 Repeater Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 2 476.4500 Repeater Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 3 476.4750 Repeater Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 4 476.5000 Repeater Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 5 476.5250 Emergency Repeater Output (not an emergency channel in New Zealand) 12.5 kHz
Channel 6 476.5500 Repeater Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 7 476.5750 Repeater Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 8 476.6000 Repeater Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 9 476.6250 General Chat Channel (sometimes also used by firies) 12.5 kHz
Channel 10 476.6500 4WD Clubs or Convoys and National Parks. Also one-way track channel, Simpson desert channel and outback channel. 12.5 kHz
Channel 11 476.6750 Call Channel (main trucking channel in New Zealand) 12.5 kHz
Channel 12 476.7000 General Chat Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 13 476.7250 General Chat Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 14 476.7500 General Chat Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 15 476.7750 General Chat Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 16 476.8000 General Chat Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 17 476.8250 General Chat Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 18 476.8500 Caravanners and Campers Convoy Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 19 476.8750 General Chat Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 20 476.9000 General Chat Channel (sometimes also motorhome channel) 12.5 kHz
Channel 21 476.9250 General Chat Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 22 476.9500 Telemetry and Telecommand Only (No Voice or Data) 25 kHz
Channel 23 476.9750 Telemetry and Telecommand Only (No Voice or Data) 25 kHz
Channel 24 477.0000 General Chat Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 25 477.0250 General Chat Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 26 477.0500 General Chat Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 27 477.0750 General Chat Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 28 477.1000 General Chat Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 29 477.1250 Road Safety Channel

Pacific Hwy/Mwy between Brisbane (QLD) and Sydney (NSW) and normal channel in New Zealand

12.5 kHz
Channel 30 477.1500 UHF CB Broadcasts, Weather etc 12.5 kHz
Channel 31 477.1750 Repeater Input 12.5 kHz
Channel 32 477.2000 Repeater Input 12.5 kHz
Channel 33 477.2250 Repeater Input 12.5 kHz
Channel 34 477.2500 Repeater Input 12.5 kHz
Channel 35 477.2750 Emergency Repeater Input (not an emergency channel in New Zealand) 12.5 kHz
Channel 36 477.3000 Repeater Input 12.5 kHz
Channel 37 477.3250 Repeater Input 12.5 kHz
Channel 38 477.3500 Repeater Input 12.5 kHz
Channel 39 477.3750 General Chat Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 40 477.4000 Road Safety Channel Australia Wide 12.5 kHz
Channel 41 476.4375 Repeater Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 42 476.4625 Repeater Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 43 476.4875 Repeater Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 44 476.5125 Repeater Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 45 476.5375 Repeater Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 46 476.5625 Repeater Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 47 476.5875 Repeater Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 48 476.6125 Repeater Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 49 476.6375 General Chat Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 50 476.6625 General Chat Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 51 476.6875 General Chat Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 52 476.7125 General Chat Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 53 476.7375 General Chat Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 54 476.7625 General Chat Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 55 476.7875 General Chat Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 56 476.8125 General Chat Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 57 476.8375 General Chat Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 58 476.8625 General Chat Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 59 476.8875 General Chat Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 60 476.9125 General Chat Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 61 476.9375 Reserved due to bandwidth of data channels 22 & 23 -
Channel 62 476.9625 Reserved due to bandwidth of data channels 22 & 23 -
Channel 63 476.9875 Reserved due to bandwidth of data channels 22 & 23 -
Channel 64 477.0125 General Chat Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 65 477.0375 General Chat Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 66 477.0625 General Chat Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 67 477.0875 General Chat Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 68 477.1125 General Chat Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 69 477.1375 General Chat Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 70 477.1625 General Chat Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 71 477.1875 Repeater Input 12.5 kHz
Channel 72 477.2125 Repeater Input 12.5 kHz
Channel 73 477.2375 Repeater Input 12.5 kHz
Channel 74 477.2625 Repeater Input 12.5 kHz
Channel 75 477.2875 Repeater Input 12.5 kHz
Channel 76 477.3125 Repeater Input 12.5 kHz
Channel 77 477.3375 Repeater Input 12.5 kHz
Channel 78 477.3625 Repeater Input 12.5 kHz
Channel 79 477.3875 General Chat Channel 12.5 kHz
Channel 80 477.4125 General Chat Channel 12.5 kHz

New Zealand


New Zealand offers a similar PRS service. New Zealand's Personal Radio Service (PRS) and 26 MHz Citizens Band radio are very similar to Australia's UHF Citizens Band and 27 MHz Citizens Band services.

The New Zealand Government's Ministry of Commerce introduced the UHF PRS in 1996 to allow for freely available short-range wireless communications outside the 26 MHz CB band. The UHF (but not VHF) band was selected due to its ability to withstand atmospheric and groundwave interference unlike the existing 26 MHz allocation.

See also



  1. ^ Jim Sinclair Radio Signal Finding McGraw-Hill Professional, 2000 ISBN 0-07-137191-5 page 281
  2. ^ a b "Radiocommunications (Citizen Band Radio Stations) Class Licence 2015". Federal Register of Legislation. Australian Government. Retrieved 31 October 2021.
  3. ^ "Citizen band radio stations class licence". Australian Communications and Media Authority. Retrieved 13 November 2023.
  4. ^ "Step 5: label your product". Australian Communications and Media Authority. Retrieved 13 November 2023.
  5. ^ "CB radio History". Archived from the original on 18 September 2020. Retrieved 4 February 2024.
  6. ^ "OSOM Loads, Pilot and Traffic Escort Vehicles" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 17 December 2013. Retrieved 20 May 2014.
  7. ^ "Heavy Vehicle National Law" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 22 May 2014. Retrieved 22 May 2014.
  8. ^ "Radiocommunications (Citizen Band Radio Stations) Class Licence 2002". Archived from the original on 27 February 2012.
  9. ^ Claughton, David (3 February 2017). "Peak communications body ACMA reverses decision ruling thousands of CB radio sets illegal". ABC Rural. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Retrieved 8 June 2020.